Health Checks you can do at Home

Skin health checks that anyone can do.

It is important to control the condition of your skin to prevent skin cancer. Know the spots and marks on your skin, as well as the size, shape and color of various freckles and moles. If you notice any changes or have signs that bother you, be sure to contact your doctor. You can consult your doctor for complete advice on how to perform a home health check.

Sleep diaries to improve sleep quality

By keeping a sleep diary, you can arm yourself with the knowledge about the amount and amount of sleep you get. Adults are advised to sleep continuously from 7 to 9 hours a day. Lack of sleep, difficulty falling asleep, or problems with early wakefulness or sleep have been linked to the development of chronic health problems. If you have any concerns about the quality or quantity of your dream, by keeping a sleep diary you can notice it, and awareness can create a sense of control and mastery over your sleep patterns. Thanks to the recognizable drawings, you can pass this information to your doctor, who can work with you to obtain a high quality night rest.

Blood glucose monitoring in people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

People who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are recommended to buy a home blood glucose control kit, also known as a glucometer. Controls are carried out before and after meals, as well as at scheduled times during the day, as directed by a diabetes educator or a health care provider.

Blood pressure monitoring kits

If a person has a history of hypertension or hypertension, as a general rule, it is recommended to regularly undergo tests at your doctor’s office to check the status of your cardiovascular system. A person can have high blood pressure without showing any noticeable symptoms, so it is necessary to carry out periodic checks to prevent chronic vascular and coronary diseases.

Reproductive health controls for men

A man can monitor the state of his reproductive system, can check his testicles at home and be aware of any lumps or bumps, which he must inform his doctor. A doctor or employee of the family planning clinic can help a man learn to practice by performing his own testicular tests. A man should also be able to maintain an erection before and during sexual intercourse, and if he has any concerns about it, he should inform his doctor or other health care provider about it.

Medical exams for women.

A woman needs to know about her own reproductive health; you need to schedule your periods to determine the regularity, as well as the number and condition of your periods. A woman should also show how to perform breast control with a nurse or her family doctor. Any changes in breast tissue, lumps or bumps should be reported to the health care provider.